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Hall of Fame
Sporting Hall of Fame inductees
Jack Dyer (1995)
Les Harley (1995)
John (Jack) O'Toole (1995)
Raelee Thompson (1995)
Allan Lindsay Jeans (1996)
Joseph (Joe) Rueben Sellwood (1996)
Frederick Lionel Hughson (1997)
Sam Snell (1998)
Ronald Vincent Hunt (1999)
Ronald James Taylor (2000)
Russell Cook (2001)
Ray Mitchell (2002)
Garry John Schipper (2003)
Rex Hunt (2004)
Ken Snell (2005)
William (Bill) Proudfoot (2006)
Amanda Hardy (2007)
Kellie Loughman (2008)
Geoff ‘Tex’ Rosenow (2009)
Emmett Dunne (2010)
Jack 'Copper' Evans (2011)
Bernard (Barney) Herbert (2012)
Deanne Butler (2013)
Paul Maguire (2014)
Stephen McBurney (2015)
Russell Fletcher (2016)
Lisa Hardeman (2017)
Glenn Grandy (2018)
Ross Forster (2019)
VPASWS Life Members
President's Message
Most Improved Police Team of the Year Award
Victoria Police Sport Hall of Fame Nomination Form
Most Oustanding Police Sporting Achievement Award
VPASWS Administrator of the Year
Most Outstanding Police Club Award
Victoria Police Amateur Athlete Scholarship
Most Outstanding Police Recreation, Welfare or Social Achievement Award
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VPASWS History
VPASWS Constitution
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2014 Sports Awards Evening